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Keeping Your Business Safe

When was the last time that you really thought about your personal safety? Although it might not seem like an important concern, the fact of the matter is that theft and vandalism is a concern that many business owners have on a regular basis. My blog is all about helping you to protect your business by installing a rock solid security system. However, choosing a system can be difficult unless you know what to look for. Check out this information to guide you in the right direction, so that you can keep your employees, merchandise, and livelihood safe and sound.


Appreciating The Value Of Putting Alarm Systems In Your Building

27 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your commercial building can experience any number of risks throughout the year. You never know if or when someone might break in and steal property inside of it. You also may not be able to stay in the building 24/7 to guard it yourself. You likewise may lack the budget for hiring around-the-clock security guards to patrol the building for you. Instead, you may get more value and peace of mind when you install alarm systems throughout it. Read More …

Planning To Install A Fire Alarm? Avoid These Common Blunders

12 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

One of the best ways to protect your property against fire is to install fire alarms. This fire safety solution saves lives by ensuring everyone leaves the building before the fire sets in. The alarm also notifies the local fire team, making it easier to mitigate the damages.  However, some fatalities can still occur even if you have a fire alarm. This usually happens when the alarm isn't installed correctly. Here are some mistakes you should avoid during fire alarm installation to enjoy maximum protection. Read More …

3 Ways Security Cameras Can Help Protect Your Business

21 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

As a business owner, one thing you have to understand is that the security of your business is your responsibility. Generally, business premises are more prone to burglaries than residential homes. So, if you do not keep tight security, the chances are that there will be break-ins and theft in your business, which can take your business to its knees. Though there are many ways of upgrading the security in your business, such as hiring guards, installing security cameras is one of the best ways to protect your premises. Read More …

A 3-Pronged Approach to Security Access for Your Building

2 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Larger buildings may contain any number of offices, making it difficult to have adequate security to monitor who enters the building and whether they are authorized to be there at all. There are three security features that can make it easier to check in visitors and employees. Kiosks Kiosks are used to make the workload easier for receptionists or security in the lobby of the building, but they can be used in waiting rooms. Read More …

5 Advantages Of Deploying Cloud Video Surveillance System

14 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are you frustrated at having to upgrade your surveillance system's storage every few months? You should consider switching to a cloud platform. The management software and storage are hosted offsite on a cloud platform in this setup. All configurations, control, and monitoring can be done on any computer or smartphone connected to the internet. A cloud video surveillance system works particularly well for multi-site security management because all sites can be monitored from a central point. Read More …